WYLDE MOON Boutique Gift Card

Give the gift of WYLDE MOON

Our Digital Gift Cards are the perfect way to show that special someone you care. And what could be lovelier than letting them choose a gift they really want, for themselves?

Giving a gift card enables your loved one to pick their ideal treat from our range of candles and scented wax melts, or our perfume and diffuser

WYLDE Gift Cards are only redeemable against WYLDE MOON branded products. This excludes all collaborations with other brands and the "Reflections" book.

Gift Cards are delivered as a digital product via email. 

Gift Cards are valid for 2 years after purchase date.

No service fees apply.

All Gift Cards should be treated like cash. They cannot be replaced if lost or stolen.

Gift Cards cannot be redeemed or exchanged for cash and are non-refundable.

Please note that we currently only ship WYLDE MOON products to mainland UK.

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